jueves, 11 de abril de 2013

Rotterdam City Hall competition

For the framed system I am going to tell you about a proposal ( it is not yet constructued), which is the Rotterdam City Hall competition by OMA.

The city was helding a competition for a mixed – used extension for the city hall, that could accommodate public and administrative facilities and also a residential program. The request was that the building should become “ the most sustainable in the netherlands”

The purpossal of Oma was based on a sustainable approach in terms of speed of construction and future flexibility of the building through a repeated (modular) and flexible structural system, which is the steel frame that you can see in the renders.

What they conceived was a structural system (a three dimensional Vierendeel structure in steel) that could enable them to improvise and to liberate the ground almost entirely.

The engineers in charge of this structure were ABT of Velp (Netherlands)

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